South Africa
27 / 03 / 2018
Through ShonaQuip's Uhambo Foundation: a company wanting to meet their Employment Equity requirements as set out by National Government, Belgotex requested a Universal Access Audit of their premises in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. Along with the service from Inclusive Design, Belgotex undertook other services through the Uhambo Foundation as well. The site area that was reviewed included the factory areas, all offices, common areas, parking lots and the showroom.
The audit was conducted onsite over two working and was preceded by report writing. The final report indicated areas of non-compliance with the SANS 10400 Part S (2011): Facilities for Persons with Disabilities, recommended means to meet these minimum requirements as well as aspects of international requirements related to Universal Access inline with ISO 21542.
This project also included sensitivity training on people with disabilities as well as various internal policy reviews to ensure a holistic approach to Inclusion has been considered for the finalisation of a company-wide implementation plan that is feasible, viable and desirable for all stakeholders.